weekend 2 and my facebook status was updated to "adam is ready to rock...sheetrock." the sheetrock arrived in the van of leopoldi's hardware owner, joe, who lugged in 10 sheets with me for the right price of free. leopoldi's and their excellence shall be the subject of another post.
more thanks is due to my very good friend brian. a fellow young dad whose son is just months older than alexandra (it would seem months turn to weeks turn to days older as time moves on...they are very good friends too). our wives also speak the same dr. teacher speak (c&t 5000, self ethnography, can you believe so and so's pedagogy pendulum has swung back to phonetics?). they are the rubbles to our flinstone.
anyway in our most manly mandate ever brian and i unholstered our power screw drivers and threw up a whole lot of drywall for a day. we climbed a very short and steep learning curve too. by the end we were really cooking wit
a hundred thanks to brian who, on a very hot and humid day, kept me going. the kid exudes enthusiasm and i was honored to share a few 8' long perfect slices so that we could woot, high five, and pound, lock, and shock.
thanks brian and leopoldi's...almost there
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