1 day of sick time left in my sick bank and 4 months of my daughter in daycare left before it refreshes. this is what runs through my head with some regularity (everyone knows that a kid in daycare equals an opportunity to catch every cold in town). but today it was a constant concern - i think cold and flu season arrived at labor day this year.
all my best hopes for a speedy recovery to my "podmate" at work who hacked, coughed, and blew into tissues this morning...our office is near her doctor and she has a big time deadline tomorrow so why not pass the time in the pod rather than dr's office or at home in bed? but seriously, what is it with american office culture and the badge of honor it awards for playing through the pain of sickness? why are sick employees encouraged or even allowed into workplaces? how am i going to coast into the new year with but one sick day when i have to fight a two fronted germ war (my office and alexandra's daycare)?
i know a sick day off is a day's pay without labor and that (due to the stress of a deadline) sickness is often concurrent with important to do's. but what about infecting the rest of the place?
our office and the recirculating air handler that i sit under is a big germ fest. who out there thinks i can make it to january 1 on one sick day? one thing's for sure, should i blow that last day early this fall i'll be playing through the pain till christmas. pass the kleenex.
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