Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life Imitates Youtube

(Linked above: Hipster Olympics...a parody video popular on youtube a while back)

lori, osita, and i spend no shortage of time in prospect park. a sunday afternoon walk is a fixture
of our weekend. what i wanted to write about was this strange phenomenon in the park: hipsters playing invented field games. hipsters trying to throw a football used to be the best show in the meadow but now they've outdone themselves.

like today. two teams of three throwing wooden dowels at wooden chunks. likely made in their willy-b wood shop. we didn't stick around long, but the homemade playing pieces were tossed towards their opponents. kind of like bocce kind of like that paper triangle football game on the cafeteria table.

another game i saw over the summer (and rest assured i may poke fun, but am secretly envious of this kind of love for sport and sunday afternoons free enough for its practice) was about 8 shirtless guys (just skinny jeans shorts) kicking punting and throwing a giant pilates ball. it was full contact and involved a leap frog to snap the ball into play. i literally couldn't take my eyes off these guys. very manly very homoerotic...not unlike the nfl.

anyone else seen these scenes? knowing these games have migrated from the greater mccarren park area i wonder what games are going on up there? definitely worth a ride on the g train!

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