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these colors after a run
after a family run last month we came across a giant american flag in prospect park. the same site where i saw a makeshift political circus the month before. these are key reasons why we hover around this park several times each weekend. it's always the same place but with ever changing events. of course we wanted to know whose flag it was (never did find out). we've all watched this symbol get reduced to the size of a lapel pin and here it was as big as a parachute. a huge parachute. about a 100 park goers would rotate around its edges yanking it up into a bubbly tent while kids of all ages raced around underneath it. most significant were comments overheard about how as liberals 'we really weren't too bothered by the flag anymore.' i had to agree. after 9/11 the republicans got to the flag first and together with yellow ribbons started the 'support our troops' movement. sitting on the other side of the aisle the lefties were left wondering how to politically oppose the right. to not love the flag? to not support the troops? we were made out to be unpatriotic. and here, watching these kids - too young to remember 9/11 or to be caught up in any movements - were just playing around it. and in spite of all of our nyc cynicism we actually are pretty wrapped up in this year's presidential run. i am excited for obama's chances on tuesday in a way i never thought possible for a presidential election. i won't be pulling the dem's lever as the ok choice but as my favorite choice. listening to the press commemorate the 2008 presidential run today on the radio i couldn't help but wonder back to this family run in the park and these photo ops. after a 7 year break up with this symbol it's nice to have it b
ack in my heart.
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