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friday 5pm and my boss pays a visit saying he hates to say it but we need to pull weekends in order to hit a june 19th deadline. i get scared and so does the young associate dad next to me and we manage to stave of weekend work until next weekend...given the short notice. nothing like the threat of work to scare you into play. here's what we did this weekend - put forth in bullet points in homage to middle management efficiency:- friday night date night. lori and i paint the restaurant "sette" red with a $20 gift certificate. we walk in just as steve buscemi (killer imdb list!) walks out. gotta love brooklyn.
- afterwards we hit the park slope food coop - in and out in a flash.
- finally on to hagen daas for cones and back to the house in 2 hours time. try keeping that kind of speed while pushing a stroller.
- saturday morning playdate with e,b, and s. bagels.
- site supervision on a renovation project next door in construction.
- tell landlord we're moving out of his place and into afore mentioned renovation. he says find a replacement tenant.
- call back in 30 minutes with replacement tenant.
- put baby down for nap. work in backyard on a kitchen redo design.
- baby wakes up, we go get (more) ice cream, kitty litter. then bbq and eat posrk chops.
- play in yard, lori goes back to coop, alexandra and i dance down to my krs-one pandora channel.
- put alexandra to bed, back to autcad. turn on danny stiles saturday night radio program - "best rcords from the 1900's"!
- work butt of on the kitchen design until 1am.
- download entire krs-one discography from this torrent. sorry kris i know i owned it all at one point or another. there will never be another one like KRS.
- sunday am sleep in till 8:30 woken up by baby girl to be told mommy has made bacon and eggs.
- lori's hair smells like bacon rest of the day and i love it.
- go for walk with alexandra, meet a, j, and s at a grassroots bike sale. saw a great raleigh there with "rod brakes"which i had never seen before but loved. hope my friend james buys one.
- salami, fresh mozarella, red pepper, olive oil, black pepper sandwich with the gang in our backyard.
- siesta with lori - family nap until 5pm. whoah!
- grilled bone in chicken breasts with bbq sauce. tricky to cook to proper temp but i think i nailed it.
- listen to neighboring community center's christian rock band through the window. not too shabby. maybe it was my calling? (hope my in laws are reading). church!
- administer scissor surgery to a big toenail that's falling off. kinda gross, kinda awesome.
- ice cream
and that brings us to now - a 10pm blog before i head to bed. what a weekend! i wonder how i'll squeeze an 8 hour work day in the office into that next weekend...stay tuned!